Year of birth: 1986
Height: 1.65 m.
City of residence: Moscow

Education: Belarusian State Academy of Arts, master of the course - Monakova L.A. Academy of cinematographic and theatrical art N. Mikhalkov (acting department)

Skills: Belarusian language (fluent), skating, rollerblading, vocals: soprano, piano (non-professional), dance (on the basis of a music school)

"Sack of Potatoes", dir. M. Kotova, ch. the role of Asya (in production, 2022) "Lawyer Ardashev. Blood on the deck", dir. A. Kolmogorov • ch. the role of Kaverin (2021)
"Yeralash. Beautiful photos", Ch. role Mom (2021)
"Roof", dir. L. Knyazev, ch. role (2020)
"Lawyer Ardashev. Murder on the waters", dir. A. Kolmogorov, the role of Kaverin (2020)
"My Alien Life" directed by N. Srednikova, the role of Tanya (2018)
"Lessons of Happiness" dir. V. Babenko, the role of Asya (2017)
"Dream" dir. V. Babenko, the main role of Marina (2017) "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation" dir. Yu. Krasnova, the role of Grekov (2017) "Workshop" dir. V.Alennikov (2017)
"On the Run" dir. V. Derzhitskaya, the role of Dasha (2015)
"Special Case" dir. F. Korshunov, the role of Sophia is the main one in the series (2014)
"Yasmin" dir. K. Zarutskaya, the role of Sasha Meer (2014)
"Under the Gun" dir. V. Konisevich, lawyer Marina (2013)

AGENT Katerina Bozhreeva
+7 968 663 69 60